Church Without Walls BERKELEY EXISTs TO engage diverse spiritually curious people with the love of Jesus and together become a community that follows Jesus, loving God, neighbor, the Bible and the world.
Our Core Values
The values of our church are the beliefs that we hold regarding God, people and ministry. They determine who we are and what we do. This is not an exhaustive list, but it does reflect our major values. There is no particular order to the list. Each value is stated in bold type followed by a few subcategories that fill out its meaning and some implications.
- Community life is essential for the growth of every believer. We seek to be a diverse worshipping community. Unity among believers from diverse backgrounds bears evidence to God’s kingdom on earth.
Racial reconciliation – We work to cross “dividing walls” within our community, and we embody the truth that, because of Jesus, former strangers are now part of the same family. Our reconciliation is evidenced in our worship, leadership, distribution of resources, etc. Forgiveness – We are committed to asking for forgiveness and to extending forgiveness when wronged. We keep “short accounts” and are thorough in the process of reconciliation. Community as sanctification – Our common life, marked by diversity, Biblically functioning giftedness, conflict and resolution, serve to build us all in Christian maturity. 2. God deeply loves those who do not know him. God is calling all people into relationship with him; we are to participate with God in this.
Witnessing to the Gospel – We share the good news of Jesus with people who do not yet know him through verbal witness, friendship, hospitality and service. Cross-Cultural Evangelism – We cross cultural lines (class, ethnicity, gender, age, etc.) to share the gospel with those who are different from ourselves. Being a Welcoming Church – We welcome believers, seekers and skeptics from every group (ethnicity, class, gender, age, etc.) into our community. 3. God has a special concern for justice and for the poor and marginalized.
Service to the Poor – We help demonstrate God’s concern for the poor through our service and the giving of our resources. Prophetic voice – We speak up for justice: we confront racism, abuse of power, and neglect of the poor. 4. We submit every area of our life to the lordship, authority and guidance of Jesus. Ongoing intimacy with Christ transforms hearts and lifestyles. Full devotion to Jesus is the goal for every follower.
Stewardship of Resources – We submit the use of our time and money to God’s purpose. We are radically generous with all of our resources because God is radically generous with us. Devotional Life – Jesus desires to bring each of us into fellowship with the Father, and the Holy Spirit. We urge every disciple to pursue this life-giving relationship through a consistent devotional life and Christian spiritual disciplines. Humility – We acknowledge our spiritual, emotional and physical neediness and purposefully seek healing through of the Holy Spirit and Godly counsel. Holiness – Knowing our neediness, in humility we pursue holiness by submitting our identity, sexuality, intellect, emotions, relationships, actions, and cultural values to Christ. 5. Scripture is the revelation of God’s redemptive plan for all creation. Individually and corporately, we live in accordance with this.
Regular Scripture Study for All Believers – We study the Bible in small groups and in our corporate worship. We encourage believers to pray through, meditate upon and study the Bible. Scripture as Guide and Touchstone – We expect God to speak to us through the Bible, giving daily guidance for our lives and ministries. We use the Bible to evaluate all teaching, prophecy and other words from the Holy Spirit. 6. It is primarily God who works; our ministry is simply participating in what God is already doing.
Intercessory Prayer – Through intercessory prayer we seek God’s protection, guidance and empowerment. Prayer is the first step in any ministry venture and undergirds all that we do. Sabbath Rest – We take weekly time to rest, participate in corporate worship and acknowledge the truth that we are limited and God is limitless. Thankfulness – We give God glory and practice the discipline of thankfulness for His work in and among us. 7. The Holy Spirit is active in all aspects of our common life and ministry. The power and presence of the Holy Spirit works to open the truth of Scripture, to convict us of our sins, to empower for witness and healing.
Listening prayer – We take time in prayer to hear the direction of the Holy Spirit. Prayer ministry – We pray for God’s healing for our physical, emotional, and spiritual brokenness. 8. God is the source of everlasting joy. When we turn our lives towards him, we experience joy and grow in faith.
Motivation – Our obedience to God is motivated by joy and the fullness of life that is found in Jesus and not duty or obligation. Suffering – Christ suffered on the cross “for the joy set before him”. As we follow His model, we too can experience joy in the midst of our suffering. 9. Every believer is a minister who has been given gifts by God to be discovered, developed and implemented.
Gifts & Calling – Every member of our church is called to minister according to his or her gifts and calling. Men and Women in Ministry – All ministry roles and tasks are determined by gifting and calling, not by gender. Women and men occupy every level of ministry and leadership. 10. We are part of the Christian church worldwide. We are working side by side with brothers and sisters around the world to bring the good news of Jesus to all people. Support of world mission – We financially support the mission of the church worldwide.
Support of world mission – We financially support the mission of the church worldwide. Sending missionaries – We joyfully send out those among us who are called as missionaries and church planters. Blessing – We partner with the local church community and the ministries around us We recognize that our church is interdependent with other Christian organizations.
Statement Of Faith
The Trinity. We believe in the one God, eternally existing in three persons, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as set forth in the Nicene-Constantinoplian Creed (381 A.D.).
Christology. We believe that Jesus Christ is true God and true human, being conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. His substitutionary death on the cross was for our sins according to the Scriptures. He arose bodily from the dead, ascended into heaven and is at the right hand of the majesty as our High Priest and Advocate.
Ministry of the Holy Spirit. We believe that the Holy Spirit is the one promised by Christ whose ministry it is to glorify God, to convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment, to regenerate, sanctify, comfort, guide, empower the believer. We believe that He indwells every believer.
The Word of God. We believe the Old and New Testaments to be the infallible Word of God, fully inspired by the Holy Spirit and fully and supremely authoritative for all matters of life, faith and conduct.
Regeneration. We believe in the total depravity of humankind, and that the shed blood of Jesus Christ and His resurrection provide the only grounds for salvation for all who repent and fully embrace His finished work on the cross.
The Church. We believe in one holy, catholic and apostolic Church composed of those who through faith in Jesus Christ have been united together in the body of Christ. The Church is called out to offer acceptable worship to God and to fulfill His purposes through the proclamation of the gospel with power, making disciples of all nations, by tending the flock through the ministry of the Word, sacraments and pastoral care, and manifesting His justice, deliverance and healing in the world.
Sacraments. Water baptism and the Lord’s Supper are ordinances to be observed and administered by the Church in this age until the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Eschatology. We believe that by the return of Christ to raise the dead, to judge all people and to establish His Kingdom, God’s redemptive purposes will be consummated.